Tuesday, 7 June 2011

The Strange Adventures of H.P. Lovecraft - Mac Carter & Tony Salmons

What an absolute mess of a book, it's all over the place.

The story is an attempt to link old Howard into his own stories and drag his cosmology kicking and screaming into his biography. It's in trouble right from the off as it assumes too much familiarity on the part of the reader with HPL's life whilst not really giving one the chance to experience the mundane before the chaotic intrudes. It all boils down to some haunted book related twaddle and the demon who needs Howie-P to be the 'gate' into our world. It's a load of hackneyed piffle filled with characters who are paper thin and cliched to the level of a soap opera.

The art is OK. nothing particularly eye-catching but diverting enough from the script.

I've never been a HPL fan but thought I'd give this a shot. I'm now a fan of neither.

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