Tuesday 23 August 2011

Singularity 7 - Ben Templesmith

I'll be straight here. I bought this for the art. The story wasn't even a consideration. I'm pretty cynical about artists who decide they are going to be writers. Which was just as well as story wise this was a bit of a non-event. It's an OK idea but there's no real meat to the plot. Nothing essentially happens and then the world ends but doesn't.

The pictures though...gosh! He really is in a league of his own. I really dug his 30 Days of Night art but vampires are never my favourites so I wasn't too into the book. Fell on the other hand was an absolute beaute. Teamed with someone who can write, plot and layout Templesmith absolutely shines. Hopefully there'll be more soon.


  1. Ben Templesmith has a very unique style, I have read 30 Days of Night but not Singularity. I should give it a try, though.

    I've been reading some of your posts and I especially liked the one about the Legion by Waid & Kitson. I have just reviewed that title on my blog:



  2. Hi there
    thanks for your comment. Yeah he's pretty unique and I really like his work. This one looks lovely but doesn;t really read too well. I really do recommend the Fell book he did with Warren Ellis though. that's properly good.
    nice blog btw.
