Wednesday, 9 January 2013

The Courtyard - Alan Moore & Jacen Burrows

Garth Ennis’ introduction opens with the line, ‘Him and his bloody Cthulu!’ which is as apt a sum up of this book as I ever could have thought up.

The Courtyard is the place wherein our protagonist (a nasty little functioning sociopath working for the FBI) is led whilst trailing the murderer of two people.  His investigation leads him to a rock club where act and audience are speaking in Lovecraftian word salad.  Thinking that the reasons his murderer and the three that preceded him are connected is a drug called Aklo bought from this club.  In truth the drug is in actual fact a language that taps into other /elder perspectives that open his mind to the, I suppose, demon realms.

It was all a bit thin really.  48 pages was nowhere near enough and the whole thing felt both bogged down in the word-salad and distinctly light on plot and development.

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